To understand how opioids affect different age groups, we conducted research before we started designing. The images above show a map of how and why individuals are affected by opioids as well as a key of some main focus points of our research.
Children 0 - 5: This age group of children are most affected by opioids. Children in this age group come into contact with opioids through secondary exposure. For example, breastfeeding, skin to skin contact, or mothers who consume opioids during pregnancy. Children who are exposed to opioids in this age group are often put into foster care. Toddlers and slightly older children are often taken to the emergency room for consuming opioids that aren't properly locked away.
Children 8 - 12: Children in this age group are least affected because they are too old to accidentally consume opioids and do not experience secondary exposure. Children in this age group are also less likely to be put into foster care.
Teens: Teens are the second most affected because they voluntarily take opioids for recreational use or to intentionally harm themselves. Teens are also prescribed opioids to manage pain from injuries, especially sports injuries. Opioid use in teens shows that more resources for managing mental illness are needed.
The data and research shows that targeting preteens is best because they haven't been exposed to opioids as much.Some important topics that can be discussed in relation to opioids are an addiction, mental illness, healthy coping mechanisms, effective communication with adults and doctors, and healthy alternatives to opioids if possible.
This link is to a study that took place over the course of fifteen years. The study focused on opioid exposure in children and teens aged 1 to 19.
This article talks about how the number of children in foster care has increased due to the opioid epidemic.
This article explains opioid use in medical terms and how addiction is related to different age groups.
This article talks about politics and how politics may be affecting the opioid epidemic at the moment.
Quick Facts :
- Most users are in the middle-class range unknowing to the addictive qualities of Opioids.
- There are a few methods to treat the opioid overdose, but not many to help treat patients with opioid addictions.
- Usage of opioids for more than ten days can create the beginning of an opioid addiction
- Highly addictive qualities due to the chemical compounds needed to make opioids
- To easy for substance users to obtain due to it being a “pain reliever medication”
- Limited methods of opioid addiction treatment
- The need for more options to cure opioid addiction
- M.A.T Clinics
- Relapse rates are super high for those who have been “cured”
Opioids are very accessible in society being a “pain reliever” medication. Although it is close to being just straight up heroin many of these different forms of opioids are easily accessed by the public making it easy for addicted users to obtain more of the products. Since the increased use of opioids to help deal with pain has increased so has the addiction rate for opioids.
Chasing the Scream by Johann Hari^^
Chasing the Scream by Johann Hari^^
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